
Showing posts from 2020

Anatomy and clinical relevance of sub occipital soft tissue connections with the dura mater in the upper cervical spine

  As a Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal Doctor of Chiropractic, I often read research related to my work and how it affects patients. The more that we know, the more specific our adjustments can be. The following article is related to cadaver dissections with specific emphasis on the soft tissue surrounding the occiput and upper cervical region.  Anatomy and clinical relevance of sub occipital soft tissue connections with the dura mater in the upper cervical spine Research presented by Rob Sillevis and Russell Hogg. Background The upper cervical region is a complex anatomical structure. Myodural bridges between posterior suboccipital muscles and the dura might be important explaining conditions associated with the upper cervical spine dysfunction such as cervicogenic headache. This cadaver study explored the upper cervical spine and evaluated the myodural bridges along with position of spinal cord in response to passive motion of upper cervical spine. Click HERE for the rest o...

Evidence Showing COVID-19 Is Transmitted Through Aerosols

As COVID-19 has progressed, we have learned more and more about how it is transmitted. Please read the article below for a good explanation of how it is transmitted and ways to protect ourselves.  COVID-19 Is Transmitted Through Aerosols. We Have Enough Evidence, Now It Is Time to Act Many months into the  COVID-19  pandemic, the coronavirus is still spreading uncontrolled through the U.S. Public health authorities including the  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC ) and the  World Health Organization (WHO ) tell us to remain six feet apart, wash our hands, disinfect frequently touched surfaces, and wear masks. But compliance with these measures—especially masks—is mixed, and daily we hear of cases where people do not know  how they were infected . We hear about  superspreading events,  where one person infects many, happening in crowded bars and  family gatherings , but  not at outdoor demonstrations . Beaches in  ...